Citibank PayLink®

Citibank PayLink®

Electronic Payment, a module of Citibanking®

Citibank PayLink has been specially designed for Citibanking users. It allows the user to create and send payment orders or instructions, from the office computer to Citibank.

Citibank PayLink contains a data base which must be built by the user to register all suppliers and beneficiaries, so as to have on hand information related to payments ordered.

Citibank PayLink also has specific functions related to printer configuration; generation of reports on screen, by printer or on diskette; managing of security levels; data base status; import or information; etc.

Citibank PayLink offers the following payment methods:

The decision to use Citibank PayLink Off Line or On Line is based on the payment expectations of the beneficiary and the payment methods of the client's company.
