CitiDirect® Online Banking

Have access to your account anytime, anywhere using the Internet

What is it?

CitiDirect Online Banking our global electronic banking platform, providing clients with a single entry to all of their electronic banking needs. With CitiDirect Online Banking, from a single terminal you can access information "real time" regarding your accounts throughout Latin America as well as in New York, contributing to an effective treasury management process.

CitiDirect - Information Reporting

CitiDirect gives you the ability to run customizable reports in a wide variety of formats to meet your specific needs.

Accessible online or delivered directly to you via secure server or encrypted e-mail, you will find reports and inquiries that show a summary of all accounts with ledger currency or branch, including:

Plus, reports can be generated from all available cash statement data elements, grouped by account number and showing summary and detail information on cash transactions across your entire organization for each enterprise, branch and customer. Select from:

CitiDirect - Payments

CitiDirect Payments will enable you to effect local payments using a standardized structure and mechanism. Payment instructions may be generated by your accounting system or inputted manually, then provided in electronic form to us. CitiDirect provides enhanced security as well as a myriad of options from making payments to managing sweep accounts. Through CitiDirect Online Banking, Citibank offers you secure, flexible, streamlined ways to settle all your payment obligations…wherever in the world they may be.

Payments service through CitiDirect will permit your office to effectively outsource disbursement needs to Citibank. Payment to your suppliers and employees may be processed in one of the following forms:

With detailed information at every step, you can create, execute and save transactions online. And, you always have real-time access to all your payment information, allowing you to check the status of transactions at your convenience.


As you would expect from Citibank, CitiDirect payment processing operations are backed by world class multilevel security and advanced data encryption technology. Dual control security enables you to require second-party verification prior to payment processing if you choose, and the CitiDirect platform helps guard against internal fraud and error giving you access to an online audit trail that tracks all activity. For still greater control, you can fine tune user authorization levels throughout your organization.

CitiDirect helps you move away from the inefficiencies of paper-based systems, and manage your payment processes electronically. CitiDirect® Online Banking is a new way to bank that puts your banking functions all in one place, at your fingertips and within your entire organization. For more information, please feel free to visit us at: or contact your local representative.