An Interest Bearing Demand Deposit Accounts (IB DDA) offer clients an attractive return on balances and daily liquidity.
The Overnight Investment Sweep facilitates your organization's maximization of cash retained in the New York Demand Deposit Account (NY DDA) by automatically sweeping your end-of-day balances into an overnight, interest-bearing time deposit.
Time deposits are bank obligations issued for a stated period of time at a fixed rate of interest.
Citi®'s time deposits offer you the benefit of a fixed rate deposit that generally delivers higher yields than overnight placements. The method of interest payment is actual/360 and is made available at maturity. In the case of early termination, Citi reserves the right to charge a termination fee to cover any resulting economic losses.
Citi's Institutional Money Market Deposit Account (IMMDA) is an ideal investment for clients looking to optimize returns on stable cash balances. Money Market Deposit Accounts are interest-bearing cash deposits offering clients a competitive yield as well as daily liquidity. These no-fee accounts can be managed through CitiDirect BE Online Banking and can post interest to an alternate Citi account.
Citi makes using IMMDA easy, requiring only the opening or conversion of a U.S. DDA bank account, presentment of appropriate tax forms (W8/W9) and the execution of a one-page service agreement. IMMDAs are available on a global basis to any entity allowed to maintain a U.S. account.
Earnings Credit Rate (ECR) is an effective way to reduce banking fees by earning a rebate based on the average balances retained in the New York Demand Deposit Account (NY DDA).
The ECR is applied to the average daily balance at month's end, resulting in a credit that offsets. Transaction Service fees incurred in the U.S. ECR is applied to clients that are billed through the Account Analysis billing process and are balance-based as opposed to fee-based.
Two basic ways to calculate ECR are as follows: Required Balance = Fee/ECR*365/Days in Month ECR = Fee Equivalent/Average Positive Available Balance*12*100