Citi planner

Create your own wealth plan with Citi Planner

Citi Planner is our proprietary financial analysis tool that helps us understand your financial circumstances and your investment goals, so we can develop a wealth management strategy that's customised for your needs.

Watch the video to find out more about our wealth planning service.

Wealth planning for the long-term

We take into account all your holdings with Citi. This gives a more holistic view, allowing us to develop a long-term wealth management strategy that’s tailored to your personal needs and goals. As part of this detailed wealth planning service, we ensure that the investment strategy we devise for you is flexible and easy to adapt, should your financial needs change.

How does Citi Planner work?

  1. Firstly, you will complete two questionnaires with your Relationship Manager so we can ascertain your knowledge and experience of investment products, as well as your attitude to risk. The answers you provide to these questions will give us the information we need to create an accurate investor profile for you.
  2. You will then receive your individual investor profile.
  3. Next, your Relationship Manager will devise a wealth management strategy for you and draw up a shortlist of appropriate wealth products in line with this.
  4. Once you have your wealth management strategy, we work alongside you to help you choose products that fit into this investment strategy, so you can start to build your portfolio. Your Relationship Manager is on hand to give specialist advice should you require it.

Adapts to your changing needs

Over time, your financial needs will change and so will the markets. Citi Planner will take into account your latest requirements and will suggest a reshaped portfolio that meets your new circumstances. Your Relationship Manager will then let you know whether this is in line both with your risk profile and our recommendations and whether it meets your new financial goals.

Watch the video to find out more about our wealth planning service, Citi Planner or contact your Relationship Manager.

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Important Information

The information you choose to provide about your overall financial situation, investment objectives, risk attitudes, risk tolerance levels, and investment knowledge and experience is important, in order for us to assess the suitability of our broad range of investment offerings to your personal financial circumstances and preferences.

It is important that information we hold about you is accurate and current, as this will help us ensure that your portfolio is in line with your investment profile. You must therefore keep us updated with any changes in your circumstances.

Note we only provide periodic portfolio reviews (through Citi Planner) on a client request basis unless we have specifically agreed with you in writing to provide such a service.