Global Trustee and Fiduciary Services News and Views Issue 50

Prime, Futures and Securities Services | Introduction 2 CULTURE AND CONDUCT Firms will be taking a breath to make key strategic decisions on product development, with a focus on sustainability, for example, something that is driven by cultural appetite, which also needs to embrace innovation. Will fintech need the support of regulation to flourish? When will there be greater take-up of innovation such as regtech or big-data analytics, helping firms to cope with their increased regulatory requirements? Where historically regulators have reacted to failings in the financial system, they now work alongside the industry, in partnership, to understand evolving risks before they actually materialise. We acknowledge this intersection. So in this edition of News & Views , we take the time to consider four specific areas in detail . . . Amanda Hale Head of Regulatory Services, Global Trustee and Fiduciary Services, Citi INTRODUCTION We are at an intersection: understanding the interplay between global financial regulation, firms’ resilience, growth potential, and culture, along with market developments in innovation. In the first section of this edition, we also identify three other key trends that are having an impact on asset managers globally (see overleaf for Executing Regulatory Strategy). The phrase “hand-in-hand” implies something closely connected to, which cannot be considered separately from, something else. Thunder and lightning, lock and key, left and right — these are a few examples that spring to mind. Oh, and let’s not forget regulation and innovation . . . We would like to thank all of our contributors for their time and insights: we are grateful to them for sharing their knowledge and experience with us and our readership. In keeping with previous editions, we hope you continue to enjoy Global Trustee and Fiduciary Services News & Views , which includes the introduction of new themed Infographics. We invite you to contact our Regulatory Services team with any questions you might have or if you are interested in learning more about any regulatory matters covered (or not) in this edition. SUSTAINABILITY/ESG FINANCIAL INNOVATION WHERE NEXT FOR FINANCIAL REGULATION? GLOBAL TRENDS