Global Trustee and Fiduciary Services News and Views Issue 50

Global Trustee and Fiduciary Services News & Views | Issue 50 | 2018 45 5 A P R I L 2 0 1 8 1 A P R I L 2 0 1 9 FCA AMMS Interim Report Final rules on governance remedies come into effect FCA rules on box profits come into effect FCA AMMS Terms of Reference 1 NOVEMBER 2015 18 NOVEMBER 2016 CP17/18 Consultation closed 28 SEPTEMBER 2017 30 SEPTEMBER 2019 Implementation of FCA’s SM&CR for asset managers Q4 2019 28 JUNE 2017 FCA AMMS Final Report CP17/18 On Implementing AMMS Remedies and Changes to Handbook PS18/8 Implementing AMMS Remedies and Changes to FCA Handbook — Feedback and final rules to CP17/18 CP18/9 Second CP on Remedies following the AMMS Occasional Paper 32: Now you see it: Drawing attention to charges in the asset management industry FG18/3 Changing clients to post-RDR unit classes FCA publish MS17/1.2 Interim Report on its Investment Platforms Market Study Final Report due Q1 2019 4 J U L Y 2 0 1 8 FCA PS18/14 published on extending the SM&CR to all FCA authorised firms PS 18/16 The Duty of Responsibility CP18/19 Introducing the Directory SM&CR Guide for firms 16 JULY 2018