Global Trustee and Fiduciary Services News and Views Issue 50

Introduction : Amanda Hale 2
A Flagship Initiative: A Plan to Unlock Funding for Europe's Growth 7
The Sustainability Journey Begins 15
Investing with a Social Conscience - There is No Planet b 25
Culture, Conduct and the Rise of Personal Accountability 34
The Financial Conduct Authoriy's Asset Management Market Study Marches On 44
Good at Effective Challenge? Apply Within as the Demand for Independent Non-Executive Directors Rises... 48
Financial Innovation 55
Fintech in the Asset Management World 56
Making Digital Regulatory Reporting a Reality 60
Cryptocurrencies and Initial Coin Offerings: The Greastest Show or so Much Humbug? 68
Where is Financial Services Regulation Heading Now? 75
The SEC's Proposed Rules on the Standards of Conduct for investment Professionals: A Quick Guide to What Fund Managers and Sponsors Need to Know... 80
A Delegate's View of the AIFMD 86
Global Fund Managers' Possible Route Map for China Market Entry 92
Briefing and Commentary on China's "Guiding Opinions Regulating the Asset Management Business of Financial Institutions" 100