Global Trustee and Fiduciary Services Bite-Sized Issue 6 2023

Bite-Sized | 2023 Issue 6 18 Publication Release Date Link International BIS publishes Working Paper 1096: Money Market Funds and the Pricing of Near-Money Assets 3 May 2023 Link to Working Paper 1096 here IOSCO publishes Good Practices Relating to the Implementation of the IOSCO Principles for Exchange Traded Funds 12 May 2023 Link to Report here International Institute for the Unification of Private Law adopts principles on digital Assets and private law 18 May 2023 Link to Press Release here Asia SFC publishes consultation conclusions on proposed regulatory requirements for virtual asset trading platform operators 23 May 2023 Link to Conclusions here HKMA issues circular on the implementation of the new licensing regime for virtual asset trading platforms 31 May 2023 Link to Circular here HKMA issues circular on transitional arrangements of the new licensing regime for virtual asset trading platforms 31 May 2023 Link to Circular here North America Speech by Gary Gensler, Chair, SEC: The ‘90s: Rom-coms, the Spice Girls, & the Managed Funds Association 2 May 2023 Link to Speech here Europe BaFin consults on general decree on investment firm remuneration notifications 8 May 2023 Link to Announcement (German) here ESAs publish consolidated Q&As on the PRIIPs Key Information Document 17 May 2023 Link to Q&As here ESAs publish joint annual report for 2022 23 May 2023 Link to Report here ESMA publishes Opinion on market outages 24 May 2023 Link to Opinion here Dutch Ministry of Finance published consultation on the implementation of DORA 24 May 2023 Link to Consultation (Dutch) here EBA consults on new RTS and ITS on supervisory colleges 30 May 2023 Link to Consultation here ESMA publishes its Final Report on its review of the RTS on the information to be provided in an application for authorisation and registration under the Benchmarks Regulation 30 May 2023 Link to Report here UK Speech by Speech by Sarah Pritchard, Executive Director of Markets, and Executive Director of International, FCA: Regulation of Digital Assets in the UK 25 April 2023 Link to Speech here