Did you know your cardholders can download the CitiManager App to manage their Citi issued government card on the go? Cardholders can view their pin, check their credit limit, make a payment and more with the app! The app is available on the App Store and Google Play.
From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage Card Program icon and click the Bulk Hierarchy Transfer link.
The Bulk Hierarchy screen displays.
Click the Transfer Hierarchy button.
The Hierarchy Transfer — Search screen displays.
To perform a search, type the desired search criteria and click the Search button. If you search by Hierarchy Unit, you must enter the full hierarchy number with no spaces or dashes.
To search for users at a specific hierarchy level, click the Lookup Hierarchy link. If necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: To sort the results by the Card Number, Username, Card Name, Status or Employee ID columns, click the column header name.
From the Card Number column, select the radio button for the card account you wish to transfer and click the Add Account for Transfer link.
A confirmation message displays at the top of the screen indicating the account has been added to the list of accounts to be transferred.
When all accounts have been added, click the Continue button.
The Transfer Hierarchy Recap screen displays.
Click the OK button.
The Transfer Hierarchy History screen displays.
From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage Users icon and click the Card Accounts link.
The Search screen displays.
To narrow your search, type the desired search criteria in the Card First Name, Card Last Name or Card Number fields and click the Search button.
Note: To perform an advanced search, click the More Options button.
To search for users at a specific hierarchy level, click the Lookup Hierarchy link. If necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: To sort the results by the Card Number, Username, Card Name, Status or Employee ID columns, click the column header name.
From the Card Number column, click the link for the card account you wish to view.
The Card Details screen displays the card overview including the current balance, credit limit, payment history, links to recent and previous statements, aging of balance information and the card contact information.
From the Card Information section header, click the Edit link.
The Form Details screen displays.
Scroll down on the Form Details screen to find TEMPORARY CREDIT LIMIT, TEMPORARY CREDIT LIMIT START DATE, and TEMPORARY CREDIT LIMIT END DATE and update information as needed.
Once you have entered the temporary credit limit amount as well as a start and end date, click Submit.
From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage Users icon and click the Card Accounts link.
The Search screen displays.
To narrow your search, type the desired search criteria in the Card First Name, Card Last Name or Card Number fields and click the Search button.
Note: To perform an advanced search, click the More Options button.
To search for users at a specific hierarchy level, click the Lookup Hierarchy link. If necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: To sort the results by the Card Number, Username, Card Name, Status or Employee ID columns, click the column header name.
From the Card Number column, click the link for the card account you wish to view.
The Card Details screen displays the card overview including the current balance, credit limit, payment history, links to recent and previous statements, aging of balance information and the card contact information.
From the Card Information section header, click the Edit link.
The Form Details screen displays.
Scroll down on the Form Details screen to find CARD ACTIVE START DATE and CARD ACTIVE END DATE. Enter dates of your choice.
Once you have entered an active start and end date, scroll down and click Submit.
From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage Card Program icon and click the Manage MCCG Template link.
The Manage MCCG Template screen displays.
In the available search fields, enter your search criteria and click the Search button.
Note: For additional search options, click the More Options button. To view all MCCG templates, you can click the Search button without entering any search criteria.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Click the View MCCG Template button.
The View MCCG Template screen displays.
When you are finished viewing the MCCG template, click the Back button.
The Manage MCCG Template screen displays.
From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage Users icon and click the View Requests link.
Note: You can also access requests by clicking the Request ID link from the Application Request section of the Home screen. Applications will only display on the Home screen if they are waiting for approval.
To perform a search, type the desired search criteria and click the Search button.
To search for users at a specific hierarchy level, click the Lookup Hierarchy link. If necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: A maximum of 1,200 requests can display in the search results. If there more than 1,200 requests based on the search criteria entered, a message will display at the top the screen and you will have to further refine your search.
To refine/sort the requests displayed in the search results:
a) From the Refine by Request Type or Refine by Status sections displayed
on the left-side of the screen, de-select the All checkbox first to activate the
sort option checkboxes.
b) Select the desired checkbox(es) in displayed on the left-side of the screen and
click the Refine Search button. You may need to scroll down to view this button.
The requests displayed are filtered by the options selected.
c) To further sort the results by Request ID, Name, Status (e.g. Waiting for
Approval) or Request Type, click the column header name.
To view an application, from the Request ID column, click the link for the application you wish to view.
The View Request screen displays.
Review the application details.
Note: You can view the audit log or view account documents by clicking the link that displays on the right side of the screen. Ensure the correct hierarchy is selected by clicking on the Select Hierarchy link.
The card type should be DoD IB Card and the Billing Office Code must begin with the number 71 and end with the last five digits of your 2nd level hierarchy number (Independent Agencies Billing Office Code will be the number 71 plus the last 5 digits of their 3rd hierarchy level number).
When you are finished reviewing the application, select either the Approve or Reject radio button.
Note: If the request is rejected, you are required to type a reason for the rejection in the Comments field and then click the Save comment link. Comments are required if the application is rejected or if the applicant did not authorized a soft credit score. The comment should indicate that DD Form 2283 was received and filed locally with APC.
By default, the Allow for Resubmit checkbox is selected. De-select the checkbox if resubmission is not allowed.
If you were the intended APC for this application and it was submitted to you as the Supervisor (Approver1) by mistake, do not reject the application. First, remember that if you are seeing the application as an Supervisor (Approver1), you are no longer in your Prog Admin (NCH/AOPC) role screen. You are in your Supervisor (Approver1) role, which may have been created for you automatically when the applicant used your e-mail address. You should use the toggle on the top-right corner of the screen to switch to your Prog Admin role. Refer to the Override Approval topic in this User Guide for the steps to send the application back to the correct Supervisor (Approver1).
When you are finished, click the Submit button.
A confirmation message displays.
From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage Card Program icon and click the Set Passcode link.
The Set Passcode & Prefill - Set/Change Hierarchy screen displays.
From the Select Hierarchy section, select the radio button for the hierarchy where the passcode will be set. Click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy.
Note: Only hierarchies in your span of control display. It is possible to set different passcodes for each hierarchy level.
Once the hierarchy for the passcode is selected, click the Save button.
The Set/Change Workflow screen displays.
Note: Your application workflow displays in the Workflow section. The workflow defines who completes, submits and approves/rejects applications before they are sent to Citi for processing.
In the Passcode field, type the desired passcode.
Note: The passcode is case sensitive and has a 20 character limit. Password can be a combination of alpha/numeric and special characters.
From the Passcode Expiration section, select the radio button for the desired expiration option.
If you select the Allow passcode to expire option, click in the date field and select an expiration date from the calendar.
Note: It is recommended you select the Do Not Expire option.
Click the Continue button.
The Prefill Data screen displays.
Scroll down to preview the form that will be used and click the Continue button.
The Preview and Confirm screen displays.
Once you are finished previewing, click the Set Passcode button.
The Passcode and form data confirmation message displays at the top of the screen.
Note: To prevent the form from being locked, it is recommended you do NOT select the checkbox next to the hierarchy.
From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage Users icon and click the Card Accounts link.
The Search screen displays.
To narrow your search, type the desired search criteria in the Card First Name, Card Last Name or Card Number fields and click the Search button.
Note: To perform an advanced search, click the More Options button.
To search for users at a specific hierarchy level, click the Lookup Hierarchy link. If necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: To sort the results by the Card Number, Username, Card Name, Status or Employee ID columns, click the column header name.
From the Card Number column, click the link for the card account you wish to view.
The Card Details screen displays the card overview including the current balance, credit limit, payment history, links to recent and previous statements, aging of balance information and the card contact information.
From the Card Information section header, click the Edit link.
The Form Details screen displays.
Scroll down on the Form Details screen to find MAILING ADDRESS LINE (1,2, and 3), MAILING CITY, MAILING COUNTRY, MAILING STATE, and MAILING POSTAL CODE and update information as needed.
Once you have entered updated information, click Submit.
From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage Users icon and click the View Requests link.
Note: You can also access requests by clicking the Request ID link from the Application Request section of the Home screen. Applications will only display on the Home screen if they are waiting for approval.
To perform a search, type the desired search criteria in the Request ID, First Name or Last Name fields and click the Search button.
Note: To perform an advanced search using the Username, From Date and To Date fields, click the More Options button.
To search for users at a specific hierarchy level, click the Select Hierarchy link. If necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: To sort the results by the Request ID, Name, Status, Request Type or Last Modified Date columns, click the column header name.
To further filter the requests by type or status, select the desired checkbox(es) in the Refine by Request Type or Refine by Status sections displayed on the left side of the screen.
Note: De-select the All checkboxes first to activate the sort option checkboxes.
To download requests, click the Download link that displays above the Request ID column.
The requests displayed are filtered by the options selected.
To view an application, from the Request ID column, click the link for the reinstatement application you wish to view.
The View Request screen displays.
Review the application details. When you are finished reviewing the application, select either the Approve or Reject radio button.
Note: If request is rejected, you are required to type a reason for the rejection in Comments field and then click the Save comment link.
By default, the Allow for Resubmit checkbox is selected. De-select the checkbox if resubmission is not allowed.
When you are finished, click the Submit button.
A confirmation message displays.
From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage Users icon and click the Card Accounts link.
The Search screen displays.
Note: You can also access an account by positioning your mouse over the Manage Users icon and clicking the Account Maintenance link.
When the Account Maintenance Search screen displays, enter your search criteria and click the Search button. From the search results, select the radio button for the account to be placed in mission critical status and click the Update Account button. Continue to Step 5.
To perform a search, type the desired search criteria in the Card First Name, Card Last Name or Card Number fields and click the Search button.
Note: To perform an advanced search, click the More Options button.
To search for an account at a specific hierarchy level, click the Lookup Hierarchy link. If necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Note: To sort the results by the Card Number, Username, Card Name, Status or Employee ID columns, click the column header name.
From the Card Number column, click the link for the card account you wish to view.
The Card Details screen displays.
Note: To navigate back to the Search Results screen, click the Back button that displays at the bottom of the screen, or the Search Results link displayed at the top of the screen.
From the Card Information header, click the Edit link.
The Account Maintenance Form Details screen displays.
Complete the Mission Critical Start Date and Mission Critical End Date fields of the form.
Note: The mission critical start date has to be greater than today’s date and only occur on a business day. The elapsed time between start and end date cannot exceed more than 120 calendar days.
When finished, click the Submit button.
A confirmation message displays.
Click the OK button.
The Account Maintenance Form Details screen displays.
From the CitiManager Site side navigation bar, position your mouse over the Manage Users icon and click the Account Maintenance link.
The Account Maintenance Search screen displays.
To perform a search, type the desired search criteria in the Account Number, First Name, Last Name, Username, Employee ID, or SSN fields and click the Search button.
Note: To search for an account at a specific hierarchy level, click the Select Hierarchy link. If necessary, click the (+) plus sign icon to expand the hierarchy. Select the checkbox for the desired hierarchy and click the Select button.
The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
Select the radio button for the account you wish to place in PCS status and click the Update Account PCS link that displays at the bottom of the screen.
The Account Maintenance Form Details screen displays.
From the PCS Indicator drop-down list, select Y.
From the PCS PVT section, complete the Mission Critical Start Date and Mission Critical End Date fields of the form.
Note: The mission critical start date has to be greater than today’s date and only occur on business days. The elapsed time between start and end date cannot exceed more than 120 calendar days.
Depending on the PCS, you may need to complete additional fields/sections such as:
When you are finished, click the Submit button.
A confirmation message displays indicating the form has successfully processed.
Click the OK button.
You are returned to the Account Maintenance screen.