TS2 Upgrade Update

Citi North America Commercial Cards is excited to bring you an update on its card authorization, processing, and billing platform upgrade to TSYS Total Systems "TS2".

This new alert will help improve card delivery to ensure cardholders receive their new cards in a timely manner.

The TS2 Upgrade provides numerous benefits to all North America-based commercial card programs, including:

  • 24/7 real-time account maintenance capabilities
  • Upgrade to the latest globally consistent data files
  • Removal of the 9.9MM credit and transaction posting limitations
  • Simplified implementation of system and product enhancements
  • And much more!

How will my organization be impacted?

The primary impact to your organization will be how your data files interface with Citi. To accommodate the upgraded capabilities in the data, including field formats and values contained in data files, Citi will need to make changes to the files we exchange. As part of the transition, our team of subject matter experts and file implementation specialists will work with you throughout the transition period. This upgrade is specific to North America, so data files for clients outside of North America will remain as they are today.

Citi North America Commercial Cards is currently reaching out to clients regarding their data files, upgrade plan, and TS2 migration flight, if applicable. If Citi reaches out to your organization, it is critical you engage as soon as possible to avoid any potential disruption to your organization's data file processing.

We appreciate your support in our journey to TS2. Please read our Frequently Asked Questions for more information on the upgrade. If you have questions specifically related to your organization's data files, please contact TS2Help@citi.com.