Account Documentation and Signer Updates

Corporate/Operating Signer Updates

Staffing at a corporation will continually evolve, as such it is of high importance that Citi is aware of the changes as soon as possible to ensure smooth and continued bank account management. Updating your company's signatory information is one of the most popular requests.


  • Corporate Signers are authorized per Bank Mandates, Powers of Attorney, Commercial Registers or other similar authority documentation to legally bind the Customer and to act on behalf of the Customer to open, close and maintain Accounts.
  • Operating signers are designated by Corporate Signers or as may be listed in the Bank Mandate, or other authority documentation to legally bind the customer to perform any action to credit, debit, or otherwise operate or act on the Customer Account listed herein in relation to all services provided by the Bank, subject to any restrictions set opposite their name below. Examples of such actions may include, but are not limited to, issuing, or signing checks, stop payment instructions, or any other relevant Account operating instructions. Please note, actions or instructions provided in CitiDirect online banking, CitiConnect and Manually Initiated Funds Transfer (MIFT) are excluded from the powers provided to Operating Signers delegated on this form.
  • Manual Transaction Signers are individuals who are authorized to initiate manual transactions in contingency situations when the electronic banking platform is temporarily unavailable. These signers are assigned by Corporate Signers and updated using the GMTA form.

Additional Information

Typically, there are two key elements to documentation/signer updates:

  1. Citi documents:
    • Signature Card
    • Global Manual Transaction Authorization
  2. Customer documents:
    • Constitutive / Formation Documents - e.g. Certificates of Incorporation, Certificate of Formation/Organization, and Partnership Agreements.
    • Certificate of Incorporation/Articles of Incorporation
    • By-laws
    • Board Resolutions
    • Power of Attorney (POA)

Click on this link for a list of all the required documents for Corporate Signer – Add, Operating Signer – Add and Signer Delete. This list is for your information only. Upon your confirmation, a final list will be generated and provided to you for submission. The final list excludes any valid document Citi has on file. Please contact your Client Executive/ Relationship Manager / Citi Representative before completing a form or submitting any document.

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