The Future of Payments

Leveraging our broad regulatory knowledge and global capabilities, our market-leading financial regulatory practice helps clients around the world cultivate relationships with regulators, deliver innovative solutions to increasingly complex issues, and benefit from the opportunities presented by regulatory reform initiatives and market developments. This focus on regulatory activity across geographies and the excellence of our U.S., U.K. and European practices in particular make us the international law firm of choice for clients with difficult regulatory challenges in their home jurisdictions that are also seeking to meet global best practices. Backed by clear technical advice and strong relationships with regulators, our thought leaders advise clients on the laws and regulations of the world’s key financial and commercial centers, particularly on how local initiatives fit into the global regulatory architecture. With a deep understanding of the key issues affecting our financial services clients, we often act as an extension of our clients’ own legal team — pragmatic, commercial and solutions-oriented. We know your business. For more information, visit