Citi Perspectives Fall 2019

Citi Perspectives  | 53 52 | Treasury and Trade Solutions Tailoring technology to address different risks Next generational trade monitoring is a significant advancement as it may more efficiently detect transactions with potential compliance concerns upfront. By managing and comparing a large number of data points across current and previous transactions, the potential for this project also brings expanding the use of digitization, automation and advanced analytics. To do this effectively, the project deploys different technologies in different ways (reflecting Citi’s risk appetite) across five key compliance areas: • AML/Fraud • Export controls • Boycott • Sanctions • Military/dual-use goods Some trade monitoring modules work in a relatively straightforward way. For example, Boycott detection uses text analytics, data mining and natural language processing (NLP) to look for specific prohibited language contained in the documentation. Others are more complex. For instance, sanctions screening also uses text analytics to assess lists. However, list based screening historically creates large volumes of false positives that trade experts must wade through prior to processing a transaction. To address this, there is rules-based scenario logic designed to help contextualize and enrich information generated by the screening system. For example, a person can be differentiated from a vessel or location. The system also looks at historical behavior so that details which may have previously raised concerns (before being determined to be false) are not returned for attention in the future. The export controls module operates in a similar list-based way to sanctions using noun phrase extraction and data enrichment. For AML/Fraud, over 240 characteristics across multiple systems can be analyzed so that connections that would be impossible for humans to spot are revealed. As Citi already does extensive due diligence on its clients, many of the risks in transactions can actually originate from non-clients. To address this, the AML/Fraud module looks at these non-clients in real time to detect anomalies. The AI and ML deployed uses supervised learning by trade experts to help ensure the right lessons are learned and increase the amount of transparency into how the outputs are derived. AI’s ability to help systems ”learn” over time means that when a new transaction occurs with similar characteristics to a permissible past transaction, it will utilize previous history to reduce the creation of false positives. The assessment of whether a transaction involves military/dual-use goods is perhaps the most challenging of the areas on which Citi plans to focus and is still under development. It is difficult as there are no clear list of items to screen for and necessary assessment can be subjective. Citi’s next generational trade monitoring project is developed in collaboration with EY and SAS. The project’s goal is to create an advanced risk analytics engine to help accelerate the processing of global trade transactions while conducting the appropriate regulatory due diligence. This project leverages existing Citi innovations such as the extensive use of imaging, OCR, noun extraction and centralization of information in data repositories worldwide, as well as the huge volumes of transactions processed by the bank. In 2018, Citi processed 9.4 million transactions, for about $1 trillion, giving the bank a massive dataset of 25 million pages — the equivalent of four shipping containers full of transactional information. Within these pages are years of institutional and human knowledge, which are analyzed, classified and defined to provide the parameters of inherent risk that a machine-based model can quickly digest and classify risk levels. As a result, it is expected to significantly increase the speed of transaction processing. Artificial intelligence can help save time for more sophisticated tasks The objectives of leveraging AI for trade monitoring are threefold: • First, by working in real time, the project aims to address a trade’s complex nature and heightened regulatory expectations while not impacting the faster turnaround times that clients expect. • Second, it will mean that legitimate transactions possibly held up in the past should not suffer the same fate in the future. Unlike a people-based process, learnings by the system can be immediately and consistently applied. • Third, the solution will potentially allow Citi trade experts to focus time on transactions that have potentially legitimate concerns. Trade experts also expect to have more time for sophisticated tasks such as refining the uses of AI and ML for trade processing. Citi has made the next technological advancement in processing trade-related documentation by deploying AI and ML to help alleviate the increasing pressures and regulatory expectations of trade compliance.