Managing Risk and Opportunity through Uncertainty

TREASURY TECHNOLOGY: DIGITAL OPPORTUNITY TREASURY TECHNOLOGY: DIGITAL READINESS 63% of respondents confirmed that their organizations are now looking at opportunities that are emerging across both the core business and the treasury function as a result of emerging technologies. In addition, 25% are keeping abreast of topics but not yet in formal active planning. These results suggest that technology is now at a point where it is demonstrating that it can have a valuable impact on treasury processes. Two thirds of Corporates have a digital strategy in place either at the Corporate or Finance/Treasury level. Almost half either have a Digital Officer or are considering putting one in place. Cybersecurity continues to be the top priority of Corporates. Digitizing the banking experience and automating middle and back office tasks and functions being the next priorities. 22% 21% 21% 19% 15% 2% Supporting Transformational Change in Treasury 72% Improving Cybersecurity 68% Digitizing Banking Experience 60% Automating Mid and Back Office 56% Optimizing Global Liquidity 44% Improving Cash Forecasting 40% Improving FX Exposure Visibility 36% Automating Oper. Processes (AP/ AR etc.) 24% Automating Front Office Supporting Transformational Change in the Business Efficiency within Treasury Decision Making Governance and Oversight Not Considering Investment in Digital Expectations in Digital Investment What are Corporates Looking to Solve Current Focus on Digital Themes Digital Officer in Place Digital Strategy in Place Priority now, looking at transformative opportunities Keeping abreast of topics but not in active planning Wanting to see further developments in this space 13% 39% 48% Business Transformation Treasury Transformation Business and Treasury Transformation 52% 24% 14% 3% 7% Yes, at a corporate level No, but being considered Don’t know No Yes, at Finance/ Treasury 12% 25% 63% Yes No Don’t Know No, but being considered 38% 32% 25% 5% 40 41