Balancing Digital Aspirations While Addressing Risk Management Fundamentals: Observations From Citi Treasury Diagnostics

23 LIQUIDITY MANAGEMENT: POSITION VISIBILITY 77% of companies report more than 75% daily visibility of their Cash position. 78% of those with this level of visibility have KPIs in place to measure Treasury performance. Despite the availability now for auto-matching technologies, only 42% of survey participants report greater than 75% auto reconciliation levels. 82% report more than 75% visibility of their short-term investments. “ Budget still remains a constraint for us and has become more of a restriction as we are looking to maintain profitability. Carefully reviewing CapEx, we have postponed certain projects that were initially planned. Team is aware that the focus now needs to be on cash flow forecasting.” — North American Treasurer; Multinational Industrials Manufacturer and Distributor Cash Visibility More than 75% 51-74% 26-50% Less than 25% More than 75% 51-74% 26-50% Less than 25% More than 75% 51-74% 26-50% Less than 25% 78% 22% More than 75% 7% 4% 77% 12% 79% 21% More than 75% Auto-Reconciliation 37% 42% 12% 9% Short-Term Investments Visibility 74% 26% More than 75% 10% 3% 82% 5% KPIs used to measure/monitor Treasury performance Don’t use KPIs