Balancing Digital Aspirations While Addressing Risk Management Fundamentals: Observations From Citi Treasury Diagnostics
45 ...BUT CHALLENGES REMAIN. PARTNERSHIPS INCREASINGLY IMPORTANT Cost and Integration of emerging technologies within established environments remain the top 2 hurdles that need to be overcome for transformational change to take place. Organizational alignment, technical skill set of employees and resource constraints are next set of challenges. Combination suggests that achieving the right balance of people resources within the organisation and choosing the right balance of external partners are core to realizing the benefits of emerging technologies. Biggest Hurdles to Treasury Transformation “ Despite the hurdles, our Covid-19 response has accelerated automation projects that were planned for the next year and indeed some that were planned to deliver in the next 5 years back into this year. Our priority is now for better data for better decision-making and instant data and decision-making where possible.” — International Treasurer, European multinational consumer goods company Cost 2018 ranking 59% Integration of emerging technologies within established environment 45% Organizational alignment 44% Technical skill set of employees 35% Non-financial resource constraint 35% Technologies not yet proven 20% Administrative/ policy restrictions 18% Lack of regulation concerning technologies 6% 2 4 5 1 3 6 7 8
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