ISO 20022: Citi Mini Series & Reference Guide Part 3

ISO 20022: Citi Mini Series & Reference Guide | 10 Message Flow Scenario 1 — Cancellation of a sent Payment — The initiating Party places a request to it’s bank to cancel an already sent Payment. A cancellation request is placed in the Interbank space to initiate cancellation of a Payment. A request for debit authorization is sent to the Creditor agent. On receiving the response the account is debited. Message Groups: Investigations Scenario 2 — Bene claims non receipt of funds — The Financial institution(Debtor Agent) opens an investigation in the Interbank space for missing details of the Payment instruction in it’s books. Creditor Agent responds back to provide with the customer credit information. Note — There is CSM(Clearing settlement mechanism) between the agents. *camt.054 is not included in the flow. Party Cancellation Debtor A Debtor Agent B Creditor Agent Party Cancellation Creditor Clearing Party Bene Debtor A Debtor Agent B Intermediatory Agent 1 Party Bene C Creditor Agent Creditor A B pacs.004 camt.056 camt.055 camt.037 pacs.004 camt.036 camt.029 A C camt.029 camt.027 camt.027 camt.030 camt.030 camt.056 B