ISO 20022: Citi Mini Series & Reference Guide Part 3

5 | Treasury and Trade Solutions Message Groups: Payment Initiation What is the Payment Initiation message group? The message group Payment Initiation (pain) supports the initiation of a payment from the ordering customer to an account-managing financial institution and report its status. It consists of the application areas Payments Initiation, Payments Mandates and Creditor Payment Activation Request. These messages are specifically designed to support the flow of messages exchanged between a debtor and his bank or between a creditor and his bank to initiate, collect, manage and monitor payments. pain message types pain.001 Initiated by a debtor to the debtor’s agent (FI) to request movement of funds from debtor to a creditor pain.002 Initiated by the instructed agent (FI) and sent to the previous party (Debtor) in the payment chain to inform them of the status of the instruction it received from that party pain.013 Initiated by the Creditor to the Debtor through their respective FIs to request the initiation of a Credit Transfer payment pain.014 Initiated as a response to a request for payment (pain.013) message Message Flow Scenario 1 — Request for Credit transfer — A customer initiates a request for credit transfer for movement of funds from Debtor to Creditor. Debtor Agent initiates a Payment instruction via it’s clearing. To inform on the status of the file, Debtor agent sends a message to the customer informing the status of the request. pain.002 pain.001 A pain.008 B Party Central Bank Debtor A Debtor Agent B Creditor Agent