ISO 20022: Citi Mini Series & Reference Guide Part 2

ISO 20022: Citi Mini Series & Reference Guide  | 8 Additional Information Associated MT Field (if applicable) Mandatory Elements — Instruction ID: a point to point reference restricted in CBPR+ to 16 characters End to End ID: an e2e reference provided by the Debtor which must be passed unchanged through payment chain . If the Debtor has not provide an end-to-end identifier, the Debtor Agent may populate “NOTPROVIDED” to comply the mandatory need of this element. UETR: end to end transaction reference created by the Debtor that must be passed unchanged through payment chain Instruction ID: MT Field 20 Sender’s Reference End to End: Field 70 Remittance Info with code /ROC/ UETR: Comparable to MT Block 3 Tag 121 Point-to-point currency amount exchanged MT Field 32A MT Field 32A MT Block 3 Tag113 – Banking Priority