ISO 20022: Citi Mini Series & Reference Guide Part 2

9 | Treasury and Trade Solutions CreditTransferTransactionInformation pacs.008 Element Details pacs.008 Message Item <XML Tag> Mandatory or Optional? Description and Format SettlementTimeIndication <SttlmTmIndctn> O Provides information on the occurred settlement time(s) of the payment transaction. SettlementTimeRequest <SttlmTmReq> O Provides information on the requested settlement time(s) of the payment instruction. InstructedAmount <InstdAmt> O Amount of money to be moved between the Debtor and Creditor , before deduction of charges, expressed in the currency as ordered by the Initiating Party . ExchangeRate <XchgRate> O Factor used to convert an amount from one currency into another. This reflects the price at which one currency was bought with another currency. ChargeBearer <ChrgBr> M Specifies which party/parties will bear the charges associated with the processing of the payment transaction. ChargesInformation <ChrgsInf> O Provides information on the charges to be paid by the Charge Bearer(s) related to the payment transaction. Mandatory: Amount Agent (FinancialInstitutionIdentification) PreviousInstructingAgent1 (Also 2 and 3) <PrvsInstgAgt1> (Also 2 and 3) O Agent immediately prior to the instructing agent. Mandatory: FinancialInsttutionIdentification