ISO 20022: Citi Mini Series & Reference Guide Part 2

ISO 20022: Citi Mini Series & Reference Guide  | 16 Additional Information Associated MT Field (if applicable) Static role where the agent maintains a relationship with its customer, the Creditor. MT Field 57A BIC MT Field 57 Account Identification Postal Address can be structured or unstructured, but if present, must be accompanied by a Name . If structured, Town Name & Country are mandatory. Identification — captures identifiers for the party, i.e. BIC, LEI, etc. Where a BIC identifier is not provided, Name is mandatory. MT Field 59 Name and Address MT Field 59 Account CBPR+ premise is that an Ultimate Creditor has no direct account relationship with the corresponding Creditor . Multiplicity of up to 2 occurrences of information. Must be passed on through payments chain until payment reaches Credit Agent . MT Field 23E Instruction Code