ISO 20022: Citi Mini Series & Reference Guide Part 2

17 | Treasury and Trade Solutions pacs.008 Message Item <XML Tag> Mandatory or Optional? Description and Format InstructionForNextAgent <InstrForNxtAgt> O Further information related to the processing of the payment instruction that may need to be acted upon by the next agent. The next agent may not be the creditor agent. Purpose <Purp> O Underlying reason for the payment transaction to be used by the end- customers to provide information concerning the nature of the payment. Purpose is a content element, which is not used for processing by any of the agents involved in the payment chain. RegulatoryReporting <RgltryRptg> O Information needed due to regulatory and statutory requirements. RelatedRemittanceInformation <RltdRmtInf> O Provides information related to the handling of the remittance information by any of the agents in the transaction processing chain. RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> O Information supplied to enable the matching of an entry with the items that the transfer is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts’ receivable system. *Related Remittance Information and Remittance Information are mutually exclusive (can’t both be present). CreditTransferTransactionInformation pacs.008 Element Details