ISO 20022: Citi Mini Series & Reference Guide Part 2

21 | Treasury and Trade Solutions Group Header pacs.009 (core) Element Details pacs.009 (core) Message Item <XML Tag> Mandatory or Optional? Description and Format FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV08 <FICdtTrf> M GroupHeader <GrpHdr> M Set of characteristics shared by all individual transactions included in the message. MessageIdentification <MsgId> M Point to point reference, as assigned by the instructing party, and sent to the next party in the chain to unambiguously identify the message (35 Character Identifier) CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> M Date and time at which the message was created. NumberOfTransactions <NbOfTxs> M Number of individual transactions contained in the message. SettlementInformation <SttlmInf> M Specifies the details on how the settlement of the transaction(s) between the instructing agent and the instructed agent is completed. Mandatory: SettlementMethod