ISO 20022: Citi Mini Series & Reference Guide Part 2

1 | Treasury and Trade Solutions Scope of Citi Mini Series & Reference Guide Part 2 In this edition of the Mini Series, we will cover the pacs.008 and pacs.009 message sets. These fall into the Payments and Cash Management business domain and the pacs message definition. We will explore what the pacs.008 and pacs.009 messages are — how they are used, their structure, how they compare to their MT equivalents. From there we will deep dive into the elements that make them up. For more information on MT, pacs, and ISO 20022, please reference Citi’s material here . ISO 20022 Business Domains The following are the business domains that use the SWIFT network for financial messaging and services. Payments and Cash Management Securities Trade Services Foreign Exchange Card Payment Message Definitions The following are the message definitions within the Payments and Cash Management domain. camt – Cash Management pacs – Payments Clearing & Settlement pain – Payments Initiation Message Sets The following are examples of message sets in the Payments and Cash Management domain. These are not exhaustive of all message sets and should only be taken as examples (3 per message definition). camt.052 Bank to Customer Account Report camt.053 Bank to Customer Statement camt.056 FI to FI Payment Cancellation Request pacs.004 Payment Return pacs.008 FI to FI Customer Credit Transfer pacs.009 Financial Institution Credit Transfer pain.001 Customer Credit Transfer initiation pain.002 Customer Payment Status Report pain.013 Creditor Payment Activation Request ISO 20022 catalogues messages hierarchically, beginning with a business domain and contain various sets of message definitions, which in turn contain a variety of message sets. For example: Payments and Cash Management Payments Clearing and Settlement FI to FI Customer Credit Transfer (pacs.008) Payments and Cash Management is the only domain currently in scope for the SWIFT ISO 20022 migration. This edition of the Mini Series will focus on pacs.008 and pacs.009. Source: CBPR+ User Handbook Source: CBPR+ User Handbook Source: CBPR+ User Handbook