ISO 20022: Citi Mini Series & Reference Guide Part 2

ISO 20022: Citi Mini Series & Reference Guide  | 2 Business Application Header What is the Business Application Header? The Business Application Header is a header that has been defined by the ISO 20022 community, that can form part of an ISO 20022 business message. Specifically, the BAH is an ISO 20022 message definition (head.001.001.01) which can be combined with any other ISO 20022 message definition to form a business message. It gathers together, in one place, data about the message, such as which organization has sent the business message, which organization should be receiving it, the identity of the message itself, a reference for the message and so on. It is mandatory for each CBPR+ message. What is the purpose of the Business Application Header? The purpose of the BAH is to provide a consistent and predictable way for this data to be conveyed with the message, regardless of implementation factors such as the choice of network. This does not prevent such data being conveyed either within the ISO 20022 message definition itself, or as part of a network header. What’s in the Business Application Header? Full details can be found on the ISO 20022 website , but the key data includes: • From: the organization that sent the message (with a wide choice of formats) • To: the organization that should receive the message • Business Message Identifier: a unique identifier for this particular message instance, as defined by the sending application or system • Message Definition Identifier: the identity of the message definition, as published on the ISO 20022 website • Creation Date: the creation date (and time) for the data in the BAH • Copy Duplicate and Possible Duplicate: fields to aid the identification of duplicate data • Priority: the priority of the data within the message • Signature: the digital signature of the sending organization • Related: information about another, related message Source: ISO 20022 BAH FAQs Source: ISO 20022 BAH FAQs