ISO 20022: Survival Guide

ISO 20022: Survival Guide | 10 XML Elements An XML instance or document contains data in elements and nested elements (elements which contain other elements) corresponding to the hierarchy imposed by the XML schema. Naming conventions An XML element is named according to the following rules: • Can contain letters, numbers, and other characters, but must not start with a number or punctuation mark • Must not start with XML, xml, or Xml • Must not contain any spaces Syntax ISO 20022 uses an XML (eXtensible Mark-up Language) syntax. Within the message, the XML data is marked up with opening and closing tags that indicate the meaning and structure of the information. For example, <Dt>2016-08-16</Dt> is an XML representation of the date 16th August 2016 using the following format: • <Dt> is the opening tag for the date • </Dt> is the closing tag for the date The date is the data between the opening and closing tags Interbank Settlement Amount Interbank Settlement Date Credit Transfer Transaction Information