ISO 20022: Survival Guide

ISO 20022: Survival Guide | 14 FIN MT Message Name ISO20022 equivalent MT 900 Confirmation of Debit camt.054 MT 910 Confirmation of Credit camt.054 MT 920 Request Message camt.060 MT 940 Customer Statement Message camt.053 MT 941 Balance Report camt.052 MT 942 Interim Transaction Report camt.052 MT 950 Statement Message camt.053 MT n92 Request For Cancellation camt.056 MT n96 n99 Response for Cancellation camt.029 MT n99 Case Management: Reject Investigation, Cancel Case Assignment Notification of Case Assignment, Notification of Case Assignment, etc. camt.031, camt.032, camt.030, camt.038 MT n96 n99 Answers: Resolution of Investigation, Additional Payment Information, etc. camt.029, camt.028, camt.039 MT n90 Advice of Charges, Interest and Other Adjustments tbd MT n91 Request for Charges tbd = In Scope for Nov 2022