ISO 20022: Survival Guide

27 | Treasury and Trade Solutions How to Write an ISO message: Step by Step ISO 20022 Debtor data element example Credit Transfer Transaction Information Remittance Information Structured Referred Document Information Type Code Or Proprietary Code CINV Number ABC- 13679 Related Date 2021- 08-14 The Structured element is nested capturing rich structured Remittance Information. The use of this nested element should be bilaterally/multilaterally agreed, to ensure end-to-end transportation of this data. Step 6 The optional Remittance Information element within the pacs.008 FI to FI Customer Credit Transfer is nested to provide either Structured or Unstructured information related to payment, such as invoices. • Remittance Information enable the matching/ reconciliation of an entry that the payment is intended to settle MX Element MT – Fields Creditor Agent MT Field 70