2079325 ISO 20022 Citi Mini Series and Reference Guide Part

11 | Treasury and Trade Solutions Camt Messages: What are camt messages? The message group Cash Management (camt) supports mainly two message types: Statements & Advices and Investigations related to cash services. Statements & Advices are usually exchanged between an account service provider and its customers to report cash transactions at the end of the day or at regular intervals of the day. Camt statements and advices provide improved data quality and quantity. Investigations related to cash transactions are fund messages specifically designed to assist the investment fund community with account management, bank transfers and account statements. To realize the benefits of the payments initiated in a structured and enriched manner, it is important for everyone to be able to receive and process camt statements, as there will be risk of data truncation and data loss in the existing MT format statements and advices. MT Message: MT940/941/900/910 MT900 MT900 MT 942 MT 942 MT 940 MT 940 B A MT 103