2079325 ISO 20022 Citi Mini Series and Reference Guide Part

ISO 20022: Citi Mini Series & Reference Guide  | 12 Camt Messages: camt.054 – Bank to Customer Debit / Credit Notification • Provides the customer with specific account debit and account credit information • The camt.054 replaces the MT900 (Confirmation of Debit) and MT910 (Confirmation of Credit) messages camt.052 – Bank to Customer Account Report (intraday) • Provides the customer with a near real time view of their account(s) • The camt.052 replaces the MT942 camt.053 – Bank to Customer Statement • This is your previous / prior day bank statement • Provides the customer with detailed and structured information on all entries booked to their account for the previous day • The camt.053 replaces the MT940 MX Message: Camt.052/.053/.054 camt.054 camt.054 camt.052 camt.052 camt.053 camt.053 B A pacs.008 Party Credit Transfer Debtor A Debtor’s Agent B Creditor’s Agent Creditor