2079325 ISO 20022 Citi Mini Series and Reference Guide Part

15 | Treasury and Trade Solutions MT vs. MX Remittance Information: Example The ISO 20022 format offers richer structure for remittance information. The MX message contains several possible source elements to fill in the MT remittance information, including ultimate debtor, ultimate creditor, purpose code, end-to-end-identification, related remittance information and remittance information. Data Truncation Remittance information is among the most frequently truncated data points. • In this example, the End-To-End-identification and Purpose Code can be mapped in full to an MT message, while the Remittance Information is truncated because of character limitation. Field limitation: 4 x 35 characters MT 103 Message – Remittance Information :70:/PURP/ GDDS ///ROC/ END2ENDID-CIT001 23456789-448123455329 ///URI/ CINV / Z 0045400103 09-292021 03/21-21V.331 67824686784 -5486 793 / 1234001234567891+