2079325 ISO 20022 Citi Mini Series and Reference Guide Part

3 | Treasury and Trade Solutions ISO 20022: Better Data Structure What is wrong with the current MT data structure? The current bank operational and service model for cross-border payments remains dependent on human interaction to interpret, repair and service payments. It can be inefficient and expensive; message limitations relating to data fields and lack of structure make it harder to meet regulatory requirements. Issues • Limited Data fields: Firms have been forced to customize the MT messages – at least to some degree – to cover their needs. • Unstructured Data: Can lead to a loss of data and Data Truncation MT — free format option :50K:/ CITIUS33XXX JANE DOE GREENWICH 388 NEW YORK CITY 10013 United States ID : 1234567890 MT (1: F01OELBATWWAXXX09750000073 (2: I103ABNANL2AXXXU3003) (3: (113:URGT)(108:1NTLPMTS)) (4: (CrLf) :20:494932/DEV (CrLf) :32A:0307031EUR19658, 47 (CrLf) :33B:EUR1958, 47 (CrLf) :50K: Franz Holzappfel GMBH (CrLf) Vienna (CrLf) :59:H.F. JANSSEN (CrLf) AMSTERDAM (CrLf) :70:/INV 19042 910412 (CrLf) :71A: SHA (CrLf) -) (5: (CHK: 123456789AVC)) Basic header block Application header block User header block Text block Trailer block