2079325 ISO 20022 Citi Mini Series and Reference Guide Part

ISO 20022: Citi Mini Series & Reference Guide  | 4 ISO 20022 (MX) Exchange Request <AppHdr> … </AppHdr> <Document> … </Document> Request Request Header Request Payload Crypto Application Header Document MX Message Instance SWIFTNet Headers Envelope — container for the business message The business message comprises the application header and “business” document The “business” document contains the MX message instance (or ISO 20022 message instance) ISO 20022 Business Application Header ISO 20022 Message Business Message Benefits The new message format will speed up payments, increase transparency and help organizations better detect and prevent financial crime. ISO 20022 MX Message Structure: The ISO 20022 method is based on the concept of separate layers. We distinguish three layers: the top layer provides the key business processes and concepts; the middle layer provides logical messages or message models; and the bottom layer deals with syntax. XML Elements An XML instance or document contains data in elements and nested elements (elements which contain other elements) corresponding to the hierarchy imposed by the XML schema.