2079325 ISO 20022 Citi Mini Series and Reference Guide Part

ISO 20022: Citi Mini Series & Reference Guide  | 6 pain.001 B A Message Flow Scenario 1 — Request for Credit transfer — A customer initiates a request for credit transfer for movement of funds from Debtor to Creditor. Debtor Agent initiates a Payment instruction via it’s clearing., To inform on the status of the file, Debtor agent sends a message to the customer informing the status of the request. Party MT Sender A Ordering Institution B Account with Institution Party MX Debtor A Debtor Agent B Creditor Agent pain.002 pacs.008 camt.54 B MX Message: Pain.001 The Customer Credit Transfer Initiation message is sent by the initiating party to the forwarding agent or debtor agent. It is used to request movement of funds from the debtor account to a creditor The Customer Payment Status Report message is sent by an instructed agent to the previous party in the payment chain to inform about the status of an instruction. • It can be used to provide information about the status (for example a rejection, an acceptance) of the initiation of a credit transfer