2024 Healthcare, Consumer & Wellness Magazine

20 Healthcare, Consumer &Wellness • 21 Memyself AI ElectronicHealth Records (EHR) The vital record containing our medical and treatment history is progressively moving from paper-based to digital systems, in the process widening access from a doctor’s office to authorised users across entire healthcare systems, including the end-user themselves. Soon, AI-driven EHRs will be a golden source for individualized data, advancing precision medicine and human health. Gutmicrobiome Microbiome testing hasn’t yet hit the mainstream but it is becoming more popular as scientists gain a greater understanding of how gut bacteria affects human health. Mapping and then adjusting our individual colonies of “good” and “bad” bacteria has the potential to treat multiple health issues from ADHD and autism to chronic liver disease and type 1 diabetes. DNAMethylation Testing DNA methylation (the biological process that determines whether certain genes are switched on or off) can help people to understand the impact lifestyle choices are having on cellular ageing. This can reveal whether someone has a biological age higher or lower than their chronological one and more importantly, how to improve it. Genetics DNA profiling provides the foundation stone for personalized healthcare since our genetic code holds the clues to our inherited risk factors. And this doesn’t just include serious diseases like Alzheimer’s but a genetic predisposition to everyday issues ranging from insomnia to mineral deficiencies and digestive disorders. Understanding our risk factors is the first step towards preventing or forestalling them from becoming a reality. Lifestyle trackers Our inherited traits are fixed, but our environment and the way we live our day-to-day lives is not. Health tracker data (heart rate, blood pressure, blood sugar) is already helping people to make greater links between cause and effect in relation to nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress. Personalized healthcare is predicted to be one of the most positive aspects of the artificial intelligence (AI) revolution. In the not-too-distant future, AI will be able to instantly and continuously analyze multiple data inputs to provide individualized diagnoses, treatments, and monitoring, as well as lifestyle advice. The result: longer and healthier lives - if we choose to act upon it.