
The Challenge Potential Uses The Benefits 18 Seamless Client Experience | API Playbook Instant Cash Collection via QR Codes The Company Leading online marketplace operating extensively in Asia. In certain Asian markets, cash payments made at the time merchandise is physically delivered to purchasers remain a popular form of payment . However, collection processes that depend on delivery couriers or drivers to collect cash payments are fraught with inefficiencies and risks. Such collections, among other things, provide no visibility into the funds handed over until the following day, creating delays in recognizing and reconciling receivables. • Reduction in risks associated with delivery personnel picking up and transporting cash • Instant, end-to-end visibility into payments made • Ability to automatically reconcile transactions because the QR code creates a unique collection code for each collection request The Solution A CitiConnect ® API solution allows delivery drivers to initiate electronic collections via a QR code, on-the-spot. Customer scan then make electronic payments instantly, with immediate confirmation going to the driver so that the goods can be released. The company offers two QR-based methods for its customers to make their payments. In one option, the driver uses a company-provided mobile device to call up the customer’s invoice and generate an invoice-specific QR code. The customer then scans the code using his or her phone and initiates an electronic payment. The driver is notified immediately of the successful payment and releases the customer’s merchandise. In the second option, the customer generates a QR code to authorize payment. The customer opens up their bank app or eWallet apps and generates the QR Code from the app. The driver scans the code, which initiates a direct debit from the buyer’s bank account. When the payment has been successfully credited to the seller’s account, Citi sends an instant notification and the driver releases the merchandise to the buyer. The solution is powered by the following CitiConnect APIs: Authentication service Instant credit notification Collection status inquiry so that drivers can release goods Collection initiation via QR code • Extend the solution to bill payments, where the company can print QR codes on customers’ monthly bills, which customers can then scan and use to pay their bills instantly $