Automated Investments

Linked to your liquidity structure, Citi's Automated Investments ensure that your balances are optimally invested every day. We'll work with you to determine the best investment for your enterprise.

  • Interest bearing accounts. Account balances earn attractive interest rates based on a key market rate.
  • Overnight sweep investments. End-of-day investments linked to your operating account ensure full investment of end-of-day liquidity. In the U.S., accounts maintained with Citibank New York are invested overnight to one of a few offshore Citibank branches then returned to your Citibank New York account the next business morning.
  • Money market funds. Intraday investments prior to the fund cut-off times offer competitive yields and the highest investment quality. Available balances are swept from your account in the late afternoon daily and remain fully invested until needed to cover overdrafts in your DDA account, at which time they are automatically redeemed.

All investments are subject to local regulations and availability; In some locations, interest may be restricted or limited by local laws.

Money Market Fund prospectus, marketing material, and recent fund performance are available upon request. Minimum balances may be required. Investments in money market funds are not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. It is possible to lose money by investing in money market funds