08 of July

People for detecting money laundering transactions. Puls Biznesu on a career within AML

Career, Citi Service Center

New job opportunities have opened up for university graduates – this is what "Puls Biznesu" wrote yesterday about employment opportunities at AML.

The article quoted Joanna Grzeszkowska, Campus Marketing and Graduate Program Manager, who said that starting a career with AML is an interesting option for those who show an interest in finance or law.

This is a career for years, as the role of this specialization will be growing in importance. Importantly, people joining this profession now will have no competition for some time to come, so they will have a chance to quickly rise through the ranks in organization(...) Crimes relating to financial fraud and putting funds originating from illegal sources into circulation are becoming an increasingly serious problem. For this reason, regulators impose strict regulatory requirements on financial institutions with a view to controlling financial flows (...) employees at our Citi Service Center speak a total of 40 languages. We provide AML services to 50 countries worldwide.

You can read the whole article HERE.
