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in another EU Member State if provided by

investment managers located in London. While

the answer ought to remain focused on where

the services are performed, some Member States

are taking the view that one should focus on

is where the recipient of the service is located.

In the absence of certainty of interpretation,

managers are likely to ensure that there is a

MiFID firm that can ease its way to passporting

MiFID services around Europe in the future.

There are therefore two options to consider:

• Whether additional services can be offered by a

UCITS ManCo under Articles 6(3)/(4) provisions

or by an AIFM under the terms of Article 6(4)

of the AIFMD – hence the interest in developing

the notion of “SuperManCos — but this approach

does likely have its limitations.

• And whether most managers wishing to

do a full service will likely set up their own

individual MiFID firms in another EU Member

State, the choice of State being dependent on

the manager’s historic connections and other

individual preferences.

The differences between the debates on

UCITS ManCo and AIFM substance

requirements and a MiFID firm’s substance

should be considered carefully.

To take the Irish scenario, a MiFID firm must

satisfy the Central Bank that its head office

is in Ireland. There is no definition of what

constitutes a head office. The Central Bank is

of the view that it means the location of the

mind and management of the firm and the

place where the day-to-day decisions about the

direction of the MiFID firm’s business are taken.

In effect, this means that a certain number of

directors and senior managers must be located

in Ireland. The Central Bank would usually

expect to see certain key functions located

within the head office, such as financial control,

legal and compliance, and risk management.

The Central Bank acknowledges that a MiFID

firm may be integrated into its overall corporate

group structure as this can be a source of

significant strength and resilience. Accordingly

the Central Bank’s precise requirements will

be informed by the size and complexity of the

MiFID firm’s business.

Crown dependencies

UK asset managers have traditionally set

up funds in the UK plus either or both of

Luxembourg and Dublin, and also various

offshore centres. Of those offshore centres,

Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man (Crown

dependencies) have been used by some as

offshore fund domiciles.

The government has indicated it is committed to

engaging with them as it works towards leaving

the EU, but as yet we have no specifics on how.

Aside from such issues, a key challenge that is

emerging concerns the timeline for agreeing

the post-Brexit deal and how it might be


A key part of an orderly exit will be a suitable

timeframe. However the negotiations progress,

the two-year process is unlikely to be sufficient.

Some transitional arrangements may in reality

be needed, however well the negotiations

go. As commented in the recent House of

Commons Select Committee Report regarding

any “phased approach”:

There is no precedent for the conclusion of a

major comprehensive bilateral or multilateral

FTA covering goods and services within two