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Global Trustee and Fiduciary Services News and Views | MiFID II Special Edition 2016


DEA providers must ensure that their

systems enable them to monitor client orders

and automatically block orders that lack

appropriate authority for DEA or breach

the risk management thresholds of the DEA

provider. Providers are also required to have

the ability to stop DEA client order flows and

to suspend or withdraw services to any client

where the provider thinks that continued

access would be inconsistent with its rules and

procedures for fair and orderly trading and

market integrity.

In terms of client onboarding, the RTS

set minimum standards for due diligence

assessment by providers of prospective DEA

clients. These are detailed and extensive

covering, among other things, the client’s

governance and ownership structure, the

strategies the client will undertake, the client’s

operational set-up, including trading software,

historical trading patterns, and the ability of

the client to meet its financial obligations to

the provider. For existing clients, DEA providers

will have to repeat due diligence assessments

on an ongoing basis so there’s no get-out-of-

jail-free card for asset managers who already

receive these services.

High-frequency algorithms

Firms engaged in HFT will have to keep written

records for five years of all submitted orders

(whether executed or cancelled) in accordance

with the format prescribed in the tables to the

Annexes to the RTS.

UK implementation

UK implementation of MiFID II’s rules on

algorithmic trading began with a consultation

by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in

December 2015, followed in March 2016 with

proposals from the Prudential Regulation

Authority (PRA). Prior to MiFID II, there was

no part of the UK regulatory framework that

specifically addressed algorithmic trading or

HFT, and for PRA firms, new UK rules will be

found in a new “Algorithmic Trading” part of

the PRA rulebook, while the FCA’s transposition

of the directive’s requirements will be found in

a new chapter 7A of the FCA handbook.

For firms subject to supervision by the PRA,

the new rules focus predominantly on risks

to the firm arising from algorithmic trading

activities. By contrast, the FCA rules focus

mainly on the prevention of market abuse and

disorderly markets. The RTS themselves

are directly applicable in the UK and other

member states, and both FCA and PRA rules

will cross-refer extensively to the RTS.


For asset managers engaged in HFT and

algorithmic trading, the new MiFID II regime

will mark a step-change in the regulatory

environment. DEA providers and asset

managers making use of DEA may have to

significantly overhaul their internal systems

and processes to comply with the new rules.

First and foremost, all firms will need to

identify where they may be engaged in HFT

and algorithmic trading (which is easier

said than done) and consider the potential

compliance, reporting, disclosure and other

obligations to which they will be subject.

Delay to the application of MiFID II until

January 2018 may provide firms with a

little more breathing room to analyse and

implement, but, given the scale of the task,

particularly for heavy users of algorithmic

strategies or for those firms perhaps

inadvertently caught by the rules, every

minute of implementation time will be needed,

particularly bearing in mind the fact that

firms will not properly be able to progress

implementation plans unless, and until, the

relevant RTS are published in the



and enter into force and relevant

member states complete their national

transpositions of the directive.

Peter Chapman

Senior Associate

Clifford Chance LLP

Sean Kerr

Senior Professional Support Lawyer

Clifford Chance LLP


European Council Press release, from




ments%3a+One-year+delay+enacted, last accessed on

25 August 2016.


Findings Regarding the Market Events of 6 May 2010.

United States SEC and CFTC Report, from https://www., last

downloaded on 25 August 2016.