Citi Overseas Pensions to Italian Retirees

Since 1 February 2012, the Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale (INPS) has partnered with Citi to provide pension benefit payments for pensioners abroad.

Termination of cheques issue

Citi has ceased the offering of cheques payable in most of the European countries and will cease the offering for US and Canada from January 2025.

If you are paid cheque in US and Canada, Citi is sending you an Account Mandate Form to setup your bank account. Please complete it and send it back as indicated in the form.

*****Please include a supporting document (bank statement or bank letter)

Second Proof of Life Campaign 2024

The 2nd 2024 Proof of Life campaign for pensioners residing in Western Europe excluding Scandinavian countries, in Africa e in Oceania will end on the 18th January 2025.

For more information, please consult:

Portale Inps - Dettaglio di Circolari, Messaggi e Normativa

MTCN through automated response

We offer the option for INPS pensioners collecting a monthly pension rate via Western Union, whereby the caller can retrieve their MTCN through the answering machine without waiting time 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Call numbers at the bottom of the page, select option 2 after the language selection and input the following:

  1. 8 digits INPS Certificate Number. Retrievable in any communication from INPS
  2. 12 digits Citi Pensioner ID number which is located on the top right-hand corner of all letters sent by Citi
  3. 8 digits of your date of birth in the following format: 2 digits for the day, 2 digits for the month and 4 digits for the year. For example, for 1st of May 1948 please enter 01051948
  4. Usual method of payment (as instructed by the answering machine)

This option can be used by pensioners included in the POL campaign cash conversion.