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Global Trustee and Fiduciary Services News and Views

| Issue 48 | 2017


Introduction of the personal and joint liability

of managers in the Luxembourg VAT Law

The Law of 23 December 2016


(the Tax

Reform) has introduced new provisions



the Luxembourg VAT Law according to which

managers of companies can be held jointly and

personally liable in the event of a breach of VAT

compliance obligations or VAT non-payment

by the company or companies they manage.

These new provisions have been applicable

since 1 January 2017.

Managers and executive directors of Luxembourg

companies should be aware of such measures as

they can be held liable for the payment of VAT if

the companies they manage have not complied

with their VAT duties (e.g. no/late submission of

the VAT registration application or of VAT returns

and no/late payment of VAT).

Although this specific liability is new for VAT,

its regime is not completely unknown as a

similar liability has existed for decades for

direct taxes. The legislative history of the Tax

Reform made a clear link between the two

types of liability. Hence, it is worth learning

from the existing case law to better understand

the extent of this new VAT liability.

Case law listings from the administrative

courts show that the liability of managers

for direct taxes is not theoretical and the

direct taxes authority do not hesitate to call

managers in guarantee for the payment of

direct taxes. Likewise, the Luxembourg VAT



(VAT Authority) announced in its

2016 progress report


(where the objectives

for 2017 are stated) that it intends to make use

of this new collection tool. Managers should

therefore carefully monitor the tax obligations

of the companies they manage.

The purpose of this section is to outline the

extent of the scope of this liability, as well

as its consequences and how managers can

protect themselves, either in a corrective or

preventive manner.

Scope of the liability

The personal and joint liability for VAT applies

to the following persons (hereafter referred as

Managers or Manager):

• Managing directors (

administrateurs délégués


• Managers (



• And any de jure or de facto managers (


dirigeant de droit ou de fait

) in charge of the

daily management of VAT-taxable persons


Having a close look at the list of persons to

which the new liability applies, it appears that

non-executive directors are out of scope.

The provision covers the persons in charge of

running the company, be it on the basis of the

company law, a specific delegation of power

or factual elements. The persons in scope are

mainly persons who are regularly appointed

as Managers, but it could also be entities

or individuals who behave as if they were

Managers in charge of the daily management

of the company (i.e. de facto managers).





Recent developments in Value Added Tax (VAT) are worth considering for

directors sitting on the board of investment funds and management companies

in Luxembourg. Firstly, the Luxembourg VAT law introduced a personal and joint

liability of managers since 1 January 2017. Secondly, there’s the VAT treatment

of directors’ fees paid by investment funds and their management companies.

Because of these developments, we expect boards and authorities to put more

focus on VAT liabilities and obligations of entities in the fund sector.