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Global Trustee and Fiduciary Services News and Views

| Issue 48 | 2017


If the director of the VAT Authority rejects the

claim or if he or she does not answer within the

six months following the filing of the claim, the

Manager may lodge an appeal in front of the

Luxembourg civil court (

Tribunal d’arrondissement

de Luxembourg, siégeant en matière civile

) subject

to specific formal requirements. This appeal must

be introduced within three months following the

explicit decision of rejection issued by the director

of the VAT Authority.

Case law related to guarantee call notices for

the payment of direct taxes demonstrates that

it is generally difficult for Managers to escape

their liability. The tax authority and the courts

generally consider that Managers shall have

the required competency to deal with the

tax obligations of the company. The lack of

remuneration, the lack of competency or the

lack of involvement do not exempt a Manager

from his or her liability. As already highlighted,

even in case of delegation of tasks, the Manager

remains liable as he or she shall ensure an

uninterrupted monitoring of the performance

of his or her duties by the service provider.

Points of attention and recommendations

This new liability impacts Managers during

their mandates, of course, but it is important

that Managers know that it could also

have repercussions before and after their

appointment. A newly appointed Manager

can indeed be held liable for ongoing failures

relating to VAT due for past periods, as the

obligation to pay VAT survive until effective

payment. Similarly, a removed Manager

remains liable after the termination date

for failures in performance of their duties

during the mandate.

This new liability together with the general

increase of VAT penalties and creation of

criminal penalties underline the importance

of being fully compliant at all times with

Luxembourg VAT legislation and, in particular,

of ensuring that the company always:

• Registers for VAT on time.

• Files accurate and complete VAT returns.

• Files VAT forms and pays the related VAT

within the deadlines.

• Complies with other VAT obligations (issuance

of valid invoices, accounting, FAIA (Fichier

Audit Informatisé AED) when required).

• Computes amounts of recoverable VAT and

payable VAT based on accurate figures.

In case of failure

in the performance

of their duties,

managers are

personally and

jointly liable for

the payment of

VAT due by the

taxable person

they manage.