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Global Trustee and Fiduciary Services News and Views

| Issue 48 | 2017


group issued joint recommendations dealing

with VAT on the remuneration of directors

of qualifying investment funds and their

management companies.


ALFI and ILA recommendations

The document issued by the representatives

of ALFI and ILA deals essentially with the case

of directors of management companies and

provides guidelines to determine the proportion

of the remuneration which relates to:

• The management of the management

company itself (which cannot benefit from the

VAT exemption and should be fully taxable).

• And the proportion of the remuneration

that relates to the management of the funds

(which could benefit from the VAT exemption

if the tasks performed are specific and

essential to the management of the funds).

The recommendations describes what the

roles and responsibilities of a fund director

generally are and provides an indicative list

of tasks that are typically performed by a

director of a management company. The tasks

that tend to be specific and essential to the

management of funds (and could thus be VAT-

exempt) are identified. The recommendations

also identify the tasks that according to the ad

hoc working group are not eligible to the VAT

exemption either because they relate to the

funds (but they are not specific and essential

to their management) or because they relate

to the management company.

The guidelines thus represent only the view of

the ad hoc working group and do not bind the

tax authorities.

Final remarks

With these new rules, it is ever-critical for

directors, managers and any persons in charge

of daily management to get comfortable with

the VAT situation of the legal entities they

manage and with their own VAT obligations

where applicable.

Ongoing VAT compliance monitoring should

now be part of good governance and an item

on the board agenda if this was not the case

before. Together with these new rules, the Tax

Reform also introduced higher penalties for

non-compliance with the VAT obligations and

two new criminal offences for aggravated tax

fraud and tax swindling.

Marie-Isabelle Richardin

Indirect Tax Partner

Fabienne Moquet

Tax Controversy and Disputes Resolution

Services Leader

Julie Kellal

Knowledge Manager

Indirect Tax

PwC Luxembourg


Loi du 23 décembre 2016 portant mise en œuvre de la

réforme fiscale 2017 publiée au Mémorial A.


Articles 67-1 to 67-4 of the Luxembourg VAT Law.


Administration de l’Enregistrement et des Domaines


Rapport d’activité 2016 et objectifs 2017 de l’Administration

de l’Enregistrement et des Domaines




last downloaded on 9 May 2017. Link

here .


Article 67-1 of the Luxembourg VAT Law.


German case law on the liability of managers for direct

taxes is relevant due to the common origin of the applicable

German and Luxembourg legal provisions.


Law of 10 August 1915 on commercial companies, as amended.


Article 67-2 of the Luxembourg VAT Law.


Administration de l’Enregistrement et des Domaines.


Circular 781 of 30 September 2016, Activité d’administrateur

de sociétés


Circ-781/Circ_-N_781-du-30_09_2016.pdf, last downloaded

on 9 May 2017). Link

here .


Administrateurs-FAQ/index.html, last downloaded on

9 May 2017. Link

here .


In that case, the VAT authority is of the opinion that the

director is not acting independently and is not a taxable

person for the purpose of VAT, his employer has this

capacity and would be liable for VAT.


In that case, the VAT exemption provided by Article 44,1,w)

of the Luxembourg VAT Law can apply.


Administration des Contributions Directes.


Circular LIR n 45/2 – 152/1 – 168/1 of 14 February 2017, Retenue

d’impôt sur les tantièmes



last downloaded on 10 May 2017). Link

here .


Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry.


Institut Luxembourgeois des Administrateurs.




FINAL.pdf, last downloaded on 14 March 2017. Link

